Greetings Writing Through Literature Students--thank you those who were able to join the blog.
Here are some suggestions for understanding Oedipus and some elements of drama:
1. See page 19 of Coursepak for important Greek terminology relevant to Oedipus
2. Class discussion questions on pages 24-25.
3. Possible essay topics page 21.
4. Important definition of Greek tragedy, page 26.
5. dramatic arc page 27.
6. Comparison of classical and postmodern hero/antihero page 30.
7. Important piece on scapegoat or pharmakos in Greek culture
The text has definitions of terms in the margins and at end.
Over the weekend I will ask you to write a blog entry (to be completed by Wednesday night for Thursday class) choosing one of the possible essay topics listed on page 21--but also including other topics we come up with in class. You may write about character (Oedipus's strengths, weaknesses, movement from ignorance to knowledge), theme (blindness and sight, fate and freedom, for example), the role of women in the play (including the Sphinx) or symbolism (swollen feet, the entrance to Thebes, pollution and its consequences for Thebes).
Feel free to make connections to our own world and time:
1. do we believe we are free or determined? why? how?
2. is the quest to understand identity universal?
3. what are the strengths of intelligence; its dangers?
4. what is the role, purpose, meaning of suffering in human life?
5. why do we search for meaning, truth, certainty? why are these things elusive?
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